Saturday, September 13, 2008


I want some of these for Valentino. Who can knit me up a pair real quick?

Groundhog day...

That is the only way to describe my days everyday. From the time I get up I continue to run run run all day until finally night comes and I fall asleep on the couch every night. Momma needs her Daddy to come home. Life is too crazy busy over here. The kids have been sick, sick, sick and I feel like I am constantly at the Dr.s office. Lets see....Mya had strep throat with Scarlett Fever, missed 2 days of school, then Mariano started running a fever and throwing up constantly so we had an ER trip. Valentino has a very runny nose that I can't keep up with. His molars are coming in, so he is super fussy. We're still waiting on Mya's front teeth to make their grand appearance. We were at the Dentist about 2 weeks ago and they took xrays and said they are on the brink. Valentino had his 1 year well baby check and is in the 75th percentile for his height and weight. He's 24 pounds now. He had to get a TB shot and didn't even whimper. I was shocked. We have to go back Monday to have it read and he has to get the rest of his immunizations (4 shots), so I'm sure that will be another lovely day. The Dr put him on medication because poor baby is constipated all of the time. I've been putting him on the potty and he poops in it already. After the time we had with Mariano I figure it's never too early to start.
I talk to Rob everyday and we've got about 80 days apart left. He is doing alright, as well as can be expected. It really helps brighten my days hearing his voice. He is a ray of sunshine.
Mariano can spell his name now, he can't write it yet though. He is having some issues in preschool that I'm trying to deal with. Apparently he doesn't want to do what the rest of the class is doing and prefers to do his own thing. He's very defiant at home and we've got him in therapy once a week to try to work on his cooperation and oppositional behaviour.
Mya has been taking tests at school to determine AGT eligibility. Still waiting on the results, so I'll keep you posted. She also expressed interest in a Japanese class that they are offering starting on Wednesdays. I'm going to send in the required paperwork and see if she lands a spot. Next week I'm going to have lunch with her at school. Right now she has spend the night company so I guess I should cut this short. I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot of stuff, but I haven't the greatest memory in the world.