Friday, February 6, 2009

Some updates...

and a few pictures. Mariano is getting better at writing his name, here is a recent picture
we can hardly ever get him to cooperate, but when he does it looks pretty good considering...
Mya jade is doing good. Here is a quick picture I took of her before school the other day
They recently had an awards ceremony and she received another academic award for the 2nd quarter.
She recently had Spirit week and one of the days was crazy hair day, so after her bath I sponge rolled her hair.and here is an after school picture, but I took it with my phone so it isn't of the greatest quality..

Valentino is such a funny little guy. Lately he's been making this funny face and I captured it!
What a ham! And here is an old one I scanned of Mya at his age, she used to make the same face!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big those kids are, and how beutifull, I think Valentino looks a lot like Mya, and Mariano is a clone of Rob. Love and miss you Abuelo

Anonymous said...

OMG, I can't believe how much they look alike!!! I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful family!!! You guys are awesome. Love you. Sansa