Monday, November 26, 2007

Little notes

So since Mya has learned to read, she has obviously learned to write too. These days she just loves writing notes to us. And lists too. She has to write a list for everything. She writes a list of stuff that we're going to do on the weekends, a list of what we're going to leave for Santa to eat, a list of stuff she wants for Christmas. All kinds of lists.
The other day I wasn't feeling well and she said that she'd "take care of me" so she made me a "snack"(with a note of course) is a picture. Notice the ellipsis. You gotta love that!


Anonymous said...

how about writing a list for BG and abuelo, for Christmas?
love BG and Abuelo

Dayna said...

BG & Abuelo~ be careful what you wish for...that list could be reallllly long!

Anonymous said...

awwwww!! She is so very sweet and considerate. I love you guys. Give BG and Abuelo my love.

Sabrina said...

I am loving reading about her sassy notes - she is amazing! I miss you guys and wish we could see you!