Friday, May 23, 2008

Daddy Dolls!

Daddy has been gone like 8 days now. I got the kids these daddydolls made so that they could always have daddy beside them. Whether they are sleeping, eating, playing...daddy can be there. They both love them. Mariano takes his to preschool with him and uses it as his pillow. We are all feeling the lonelyness, but hopefully these dolls will help my babies remember Daddy and how much he loves them and misses them.
Rob sounds in good spirits everytime I hear from him. I am over here keeping busy which seems to keep me from falling apart. For instance yesterday morning I left the house at 9:30 in the morning and didn't get back home until 10 'till 5. I've had many days like that. I'd rather have the days where I stay inside and have nothing that I have to get done. Mya only has a few days of school left. She gets out on her Daddy's birthday. My poor honey's 2nd birthday in Iraq. For the love of Bush!! Sorry Bush lovers.
Time to go drink some coffee with Coconut creamer!


Anonymous said...

I wish you were closer so we could hug you guys. If there is ever anything, you know you can call me 24/7. Maybe I can't reach you but I can be a good listener. I love you all very much. You are always in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I love the dolls, they are so cute. They were a great idea. Rob looks so cute in his desert camis. Slow down and enjoy some coffee with coconut creamer, ummmm ummmm!!! Love you. Sansa

Anonymous said...

I,m very happy to see that at least you are having somme fun. Love you all the kids look wonderfull. Give my love to my son when you talk to him. BG and I miss you a lot. Please give us a call, we love to hear your voice, We love you. I can't wait to hug you and my great grandkids. Love abuelo and BG