Thursday, August 16, 2007

Still Nada....

After lots of contractions yesterday, I was sure that the Dr. was going to give me some good news today. Well apparently they (contractions) were for nothing because I'm STILL the same! She said Valentino's head is still pretty high and that I was maybe a half centimeter dilated. MAYBE?? UGH!!!! So I asked her if she could strip my membranes to try to get some action going here and she did. Hopefully that will do something. I don't know how long I can last like this. The anticipation and misery is God awful! I've got another appointment on Wednesday of next week. She said that if I haven't delivered by then we would talk about inducing me. YES!! Finally an end in sight. I want to hold my baby boy so so bad. Well here come the contractions again, so wish me luck. Maybe the stripping did the trick!