Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What a surprise!

Some of you may have been expecting some pictures from Mya's birthday party, but I'm running a little behind. Her birthday went great and I will post some pics later. Sunday the doorbell rang and when I answered it I was totally in shock to see my Mommy & my oldest sister. It was so unexpected and greatly appreciated to have them surprise me like that. My sister described it best when she related my reaction to that of winning the lottery. I was jumping up and down screaming. Wonder what the neighbors were thinking? Anyway, so needless to say I don't want to waste any time while they are here with me. So when you don't hear from me for 2 weeks, you will know why.


Anonymous said...

Please don't leave me hanging. I miss my baby sista and still want to hear from you. I wish I was there. God is going to get me better, I just know it, and then I can come visit. I love you guys so very much. Love, Sansa